Hospital charity hymnal in deluxe binding

Hospital charity hymnal in deluxe binding
Allgemeines evangelisches Gesangbuch für das Grossherzogthum Hessen; zwölfte Auflage
Darmstadt: Ludwig Carl Wittich for the Invaliden- und Soldaten-Waisen-Anstalt, 1828
VIII, 526, [10] p. | 8vo | pi^4 A-2H^8 2I^8(2I7+[dagger]^8) 2K^4 | 181 x 106 mm
Stated twelfth edition of this Hessen hymnal, published for the benefit of a hospital dedicated to serving invalids, soldiers, and orphans. Includes 733 hymns, here printed without music, and with an extensive index.
PROVENANCE: Initials WK in gold on the front cover.
CONDITION: Contemporary black straight-grain leather, the front board dated 1830 and bearing the initials WK in gold; boards with a gold border; spine partially gilt; gilt edges; highly polished blue paper endleaves. In a contemporary marbled slipcase. ¶ Leather just lightly rubbed, with a roughly square-inch spot on the bottom of the front board mildly disturbed by the removal of a sticker; gentle wear at the extremities. ¶ A well preserved example of a personalized devotional binding.
Item #238