Curious trade labels?

Curious trade labels?
Storie di Bernardo Segni e di Giovambatista Adriani
by Bernardo Segni and Giovanni Battista Adriani | preface by Achille Mauri
Milan: Nicolò Bettoni, 1834
2 volumes | v. 1: [3], VI-XI, [1], 635, [1] p. | v. 2: [3], 6-246, 257-555, [1] p. | 246 x 152 mm
These comprise volumes 36 and 37 of the Biblioteca enciclopedica italiana series. Includes indexes and a preface by Achille Mauri. ¶ Bernardo Segni (1504-1558) and Giovanni Battista Adriani (1511-1579) were both Florentine historians. The former composed his Storie fiorentine in the later years of his life, though it wasn’t published until 1723, and the latter wrote an Istoria de’ suoi tempi posthumously published in 1583. Segni’s history provides some details of the life of Alessandro Medici, Duke of Florence, son of a slave girl, murdered in 1537. The present compilation also includes Segni’s Vita di Niccolo Capponi.
CONDITION: Contemporary half vellum and blue pulled paste paper, with a decorative printed panel affixed to each board (one with a lyre, the other bearing a jug); leather labels and some gold tooling to the spine. The same decorative labels were found on a second copy available at the time of cataloging, suggesting they were part of a trade practice rather than the additions of a former owner. ¶ Pagination suggests each volume is lacking the first leaf (likely a series title page); p. 3-6 in v. 1 detached but present; foxing throughout, heavy in parts; insect damage to the upper hinges, more pronounced in v. 1; boards worn around the edges; a few water spots on the covers. Leaves are untrimmed and unopened.
Item #28