Invention of the Middle Ages | From the library of Cesare Borgia inv_797e.jpg

Invention of the Middle Ages | From the library of Cesare Borgia

Tacketed binding | A medieval stationery structure adapted to print inv_802a.jpg

Tacketed binding | A medieval stationery structure adapted to print

Hand-colored double broadside almanac inv_854e.jpg

Hand-colored double broadside almanac

Silk thesis announcement from woman-owned press inv_776c.jpg
On Hold

Silk thesis announcement from woman-owned press

Landmark business law inv_686c.jpg

Landmark business law

Customized with unrecorded apothecary directory inv_571b.jpg

Customized with unrecorded apothecary directory

Proof-ish inv_631f.jpg


The game that brought France to the brink inv_558c.jpg

The game that brought France to the brink

Burlesque satire inv_474b.jpg

Burlesque satire

"Every man is free in France...whatever his color" inv_513c.jpg

"Every man is free in France...whatever his color"

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Freedom fighter's presentation copy

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On Hold

France's "Amazons" satirized

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Printed by one of Luther's tavernkeepers

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Jesuit butter seller satire

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Italian refugee in London | A rare false imprint

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Data-driven grievances on the eve of revolution

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Natural disaster document of epic size

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Annotator as gossip and news junkie

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History of inventions | Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius excerpted

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Political tracts collected by an outsider | Namby Pamby, Defoe Americana, etc.

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Unrecorded Dutch broadside

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Most deft diplomat

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Midwestern painter's copy
