In leather wallpaper and annotated for performance inv_825d.jpg
On Hold

In leather wallpaper and annotated for performance

Annotated astronomy inv_819b.jpg

Annotated astronomy

Tacketed binding | A medieval stationery structure adapted to print inv_802a.jpg

Tacketed binding | A medieval stationery structure adapted to print

Extra-illustrated in Scottish herringbone binding inv_831c.jpg

Extra-illustrated in Scottish herringbone binding

Complete deck of playing cards in impeccable condition inv_840a.jpg
On Hold

Complete deck of playing cards in impeccable condition

Silk thesis announcement from woman-owned press inv_776c.jpg
On Hold

Silk thesis announcement from woman-owned press

Illuminated bestseller in Koberger binding inv_824h.jpg

Illuminated bestseller in Koberger binding

Stationer's trade card on colored paper inv_812b.jpg

Stationer's trade card on colored paper

Varnished binding with early fore-edge painting inv_829s.jpg

Varnished binding with early fore-edge painting

Silver fittings likely made from melted alms inv_800r.jpg

Silver fittings likely made from melted alms

Miniature almanac in metal box inv_557j.jpg

Miniature almanac in metal box

Annotator as industrious private scholar inv_542j.jpg

Annotator as industrious private scholar

Proof-ish inv_631f.jpg


Black physician's medieval forgery inv_643a.jpg

Black physician's medieval forgery

Custom-built trilingual New Testament inv_689i.jpg

Custom-built trilingual New Testament

Paper badge on title? inv_512a.jpg

Paper badge on title?

Annotator as creative writer inv_560c.jpg

Annotator as creative writer

Annotator as index enthusiast | Herborn's first press inv_506b.jpg

Annotator as index enthusiast | Herborn's first press
